28 March, 2007

This Moment on Earth...

John Kerry and Teresa Heinz Kerry are coming out with a new book called "This Moment on Earth: Today's New Environmentalists and Their Vision for the Future."

Last evening, John Kerry appeared on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and talked about his 250 page book. He said, "We are running out of time to make very important decisions..." and goes on to talk about how it mentions global climate change, toxins, chemicals, and cancer.

He includes stories about individuals making a difference in the environment. The Bush administration back off of The Polluter Pays Act which means citizens pay instead of the actual person dumping their pollutants into the environment.

Kerry states that this book is about regular people in America that don't think of themselves in an environmentalist way, but just want to make things right

Former Vice President Al Gore summarizes the book:

"John Kerry and Teresa Heinz have written a book that is a profound challenge to all of us but contains, in the examples of the men and women who are fighting the great fight for a better future for our environment, the clear hope that if we can embrace their resourcefulness, determination and essential patriotism we will prevail. Both John and Teresa have been long-time leaders in the battle to save the Earth's environment. Way back when it was not all fashionable, indeed when very few people in the world were even paying attention to it, both John and Teresa were providing outstanding and courageous leadership."
If you want to see the clip of John Kerry and Jon Stewart, visit the John Kerry Website.


Unknown said...

I can't wait to read this book. I saw this episode of the Daily Show. Its amazing to see how all of these past preseidential candidates are still trying to make a difference. Its encouraging. I wish one of the democrats would hvae one. Al Gore recently released a documentary on the earth entitled Inconvenient Truth. Finally, someone is bringing real isssues to the forefront, this issue being the world on which we live. Yeah war is an issue (if you have stock in the oil industry), but the earth is more important and affects all of us.

Josh said...


I don't know if you've ever seen my book review blog for class. If you have you'll notice I read a lot, and I'm looking forward to reading this book.

I too watch the Daily Show and I happaned to catch this particular episode the other night when Senator Kerry was on. Since I enjoy both reading and the environment, I'm really interested to see how Senator Kerry addresses the problem.