22 February, 2007

Let me familiarize you with my Family.

This is my family. They mean more to me than anyone in the world. Not only do we all look happy because we are in San Francisco, but we also just won the Super Bowl. This picture is from last year, but I thought I would make a tribute to those people in my life that make it possible to go on. Without them, I would be insane. They are always there when I need something. And they are the type of people that would give others the clothes off of their backs. I love them dearly. Especially my brother Ewwwic (Eric). He is always there to talk to and totally understands me. Thank goodness he can talk Spanish now. HaHa. It's easier to talk. ;) Since I am at school, I don't get to see them all the time, but I miss them more than anything. I love you guys.


surfferdude5 said...


You are the best sister in the world!!!! I can't wait until school is over and you come home!!



Bahia1002 said...

What a great time this was!!!!!!! Can't wait to go back...... soon....